Monday, May 26, 2008

Vacation time for Auntie Suzie

Ok, so my sister Suzie asked me if I would tend her 3 little girls for her while she went to Idaho for a few days. Since she is forever and always my backup plan when we go on vacation I said heck yes. Her children are very well behaved and trained that when it is 8:30pm it is bedtime. I am hoping that a little of that early bedtime routine will rub off onto my kids. Suzie has 5 children of her own and is also raising 4 girls from her husbands previous marriage...AND also watches this lady named Ilene's 4 children 5 days a week. SO>>>>um, Yeah she definitely has to set some rules in order to maintain some sense of control. Suzie is 6 years younger than me and it's amazing how when you get old and crusty 6 years doesn't really make a difference. I look up to Suzie so much and am constantly amazed at how organized and together she is with raising 13 kids. I am sure she has her moments like everyone, but she definitely deserves the "Mom of the year award" in my book. This little vacation is the first time Suz and her Hubby have rodded off into the sunset together ALONE since they were first 10 years ago. It was a much needed and deserved vacation. Any hew, blog was going to be about taking 6 girls to church.(Lindsay stayed home with her friend Adree from SLC) When we walked into sacrament meeting I was seriously wondering what am I doing? I am going to be pulling out my hair ....but since Valerie and Ollie had never been to an LDS church before I figured it might be interesting and fun for them. Valerie was very emotional when we first got there because Alley had told her that when you are a visitor you get to get up in front of the class and make music. Well, Valerie started thinking about that and decided that wasn't her cup of tea. After explaining to Valerie a few hundred times that she didn't have to do anything she wasn't comfortable with she was able to relax and enjoy sacrament meeting. To make a long story short..huh hummmm It all went well and the kids all came home happy and glad they went! Suzie called last night and said they decided to stay a few more days...So, I am finding out what it's like to have 7 kids...all girls at that and so far so good, knock on wood. jokes


fourangels said...

I don't know what you were worried about on Sunday! They were total angels and my 4 were louder than your 7! You are the best mommy! I admire your patience!

Tiffani said...

That's a lot of hair to have to worry about. I have stress over my one ilttle girl head of hair.