Thursday, June 12, 2008

I've been tagged! OK Lisa here goes:)

2 Tags from Lisa Nielson

3 Joys:
1) My Family
2) Good health
3) The Gospel

3 Fears:
1) Losing a loved one
2) heights
3) divorce

3 Goals:
1) lose 30 lbs
2) at least START my kids scrapbooks
3) keep my house clean ( or at least the top layer scraped off:)

3 Obsessions:
1) Keeping my house clean
2) organizing and reorganizing everything
3) trying to please everyone

3 Random suprising Facts:
1)I was once a plig:) hee hee I just had to add that one just for kicks
2)I have moved 27 times in 16 years
3)I have always wanted to do foster care

Tag #2
8 Things I am passionate about:
1) being a good mom and wife
2) pictures! I love to take pictures of everything
3) art- I have always loved to draw
4) A clean house! my kids always say, "Mom can you just stop cleaning?"
5) music. I always have music playing no matter where I am
6) candles. If your house smells good it just feels cleaner:)
7) giving to others. I love the warm fuzzy you get when you brighten someones day
8) becoming an emt/or nurse someday.

4 Songs I can Listen to over and over again:
1)Love of a lifetime by Firehouse (Kim dedicated this song to us when we got hitched)
2)You're all I need by whitelion (Kim & I slowdanced to this so it became our song)
3)A childs Prayer ( this song brings back ALOT of memories from my childhood)
4)Two Little Shoes ( it remimds me of my little brother Alan who was killed in a housefire when he was 3 years old)

The past 8 Books I've read:
1) ok I will be honest...I am not a reader. my bad.

8 Things I say often:
1) Just a minute...
2) I'll think about it
3) go ask your Dad
4) what a cutie patootie
5) yep whatever
6) stop fighting? can't you girls just get along? where's the love?
7) hurry hurry get in the car we're just about late....again!
8) It's all good:)

8 things that attract me to a friend:
1) positive attitude
2) non judgmental
3) finds the good in people
4) easygoing
5) good listener/ a shoulder to cry on
6) good hygiene/ cares about their appearance but not obsessed about it
7) outgoing
8) someone who is fatter than me so I feel skinny...JOKES!

8 Random things about me:
1)I can play the piano and flute.
2)I would love to have 2 more children.
3)I am going to get my RN license when my kids are grown.
4)I absolutley love my new backyard!
5)I have always loved playing sports... especially football.
6)When I was a kid I always wanted to be a professional ice skater like Nadia.
7)My oldest is starting highschool & my youngest is starting kindergarten in the fall.
8)I loved being the secretary at Home Company for 7 years.

8 Things I want to do before I die:
1) see my girls find a good honorable man to marry someday.
2) travel to foreign countries like England, Japan, Australia, Asia...etc
3) hire a maid who does all the cooking, laundry and cleaning. Jokes!
4) Become a grandma someday and spoil my grandkiddies
5) have a family reunion with all my extended family...That I have not seen in years.
6) Be an EMT or nurse
7) learn to be more patient and not sweat the small things!
8) Celebrate mine and Kim's 50th wedding aniversary

8 Things I've learned this past year: (or relearned!)
1) A clean house is impossible with four kids (my thoughts exactley Lisa!)
2) Alot of things in life are out of my control
3) Kids are alot happier when they help with the housework
4) sometimes it's better to laugh at yourself rather than cry..nobody's perfect!
5) weightloss is a continual struggle.
6) My family means everything to me!
7) It's important to take Me time.... cuz if MA aint happy ain't nobody happy:)
8) my body just ain't what it used to be...34 is getting up my kids always tell me, "Mom in like 6 years you're going to be 40." YIKES! that's OLD.

I tag Tiffany, Tamara & Maren. Just copy and paste into new post and add your own answers. Do either one of the tags you want- or both :-)


laceeJ said...

glad to see your blog is back up and running! I thought I lost you forever! :(

fourangels said...

How fun to get to know you better. You'll see that I answered your tag on my blog! Thanks! It made me sit down and think for awhile. Hope it doesn't bore you to tears! And, I too, am glad your blog is back. I was getting worried about you!

Lisa said...

I thought we had moved a lot in our 13 years- we don't even come close to you! I sure hope you guys are done moving- we'd cry if we lost you as neighbors!