Monday, August 18, 2008

Anyone want a Kitten?

Abbey, our tabby, gave birth to 6 little kittens on Sunday afternoon. They are all so cute! Poor little Abbey had her first batch of kittens around 6 months or so ago. We had an appt to get her spayed but she went into heat before D day...SO another 6 weeks of protecting the poor little creatures from the wrath of the kids. Hopefully this time we can get her fixed in time. Susan from the best friends animal sanctuary has her scheduled for October 28th to get fixed. The little runt of the bunch had it's cord tangled around one of the other kittens feet when it was born. The poor little thing was only the size of my thumb because it couldn't get any nutrition through the cord.I had to cut the cord off the other was so sad to watch the little runt. It looked like a little baby bird. We were all hopeful that it would survive.....this morning it was latched on having some breakfast so I thought OH GOOD....schew it will be fine. A few hours later I went out to the garage to check on them only to find the "little dude" as the kids dubbed him, had died. Baylee and Jenna had a little funeral and blew it kisses before we buried it. They handled it just fine. I think it is good for them to learn about birth and death. We had a little talk about how it's spirit was going back to heaven. So if anyone wants a kitten they will be looking for a home in around 6 weeks:)

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