We have had quite a crazy week to say the least. One of the many catastrophes was Kim spending a few days in the hospital. It all started last Tuesday evening. Kim said he wasn't feeling well and went to bed. The next morning he woke up and headed off to work. Around noon he came home and said he had been throwing up all morning...I thought "Hummmm maybe he just has the stomach flu or something?" He slept for a few hours and when he woke up he threw up some more. This continued for 2 days straight. He would take a swallow of water and it would come right back up. I told Kim, "We should take you over to instacare....something just is NOT right." He kept hoping it would go away but it continued to get worse. FINALLY...after me nagging him into the ground to go to the doctor he said..."OK you win...please take me to instacare". Once there they immediately put an IV in him because he was so dehydrated. After taking a few blood tests the doctor came in with a surprised look on his face. He said," Um Yeah....we're going to admit you to the hospital right away." Kim's enzymes in his liver were off the charts. After consulting with another doctor in the building they both figured Kim had a blocked tube between his gallbladder and liver. They said he would need emergency surgery that night. Once at the hospital they continued to run tests on him through the night...I sat up with him and counted 16 pokes in one arm...poor guy! They took a sonogram and determined it wasn't his gallbladder....which totally baffled the doctors. They called it one of those strange medical mysteries. Kim started to run a really high fever and was sweating profusely...soaking his pillows. After many more blood tests and blood cultures etc...they decided he had traces of industrial chemicals in his blood...so it must have been accidental poisoning...? The doctors had me run home and bring back any chemical that he had used in the past week which included cockroach spray, round-up, etc... The only thing Kim could think of that he may have ingested was termite spray they had sprayed the day before or concrete sealant they had used a few days before. After they determined it wasn't any of these and still not certain of what to diagnose him with the doctors called in a gastro-oncologist. By now it was 10 pm Friday night. Kim was finally able to keep some food down and his fever had broken. The doctor decided it would be OK for him to go home as long as he came back next week for more blood tests. Kim was so relieved because he was stressing out about the hospital bill. Today is Monday and he is still not feeling so well. He stayed home once again from work...I sure hope he is able to get back on his feet soon! Oh and by the way...when this was all happening I called Tiffany to see if she would check on the girls for me while I ran him to the hospital. She is such a sweetheart...(THANKS TIFF!!) She gathered up my girls, fed them dinner, did my dishes... how emberrasing...sheeeesh..(my house was a WRECK from taking care of Kim for 2 days straight), and she took the girls to her house to spend the night. I really appreciate having such a close friend for a neighbor. The next morning I came home around 5am after staying up all night...and got the kids off to school. Afterwards I headed back to the hospital. My sister Suzie took Alley and Jenna home with her that afternoon...(She is such a honey!) and Holli and Lindsay stayed at the hospital with me...they thought that was just SO COOL! Kind of like a little mini vacation...what some funny girls... They had fun zipping down the elevator to the munchie machines. ANYHEW....it was hectic to say the least but it sure made it easier to have friends and family to turn too. Hopefully I haven't bored you to death. Now ya know the scoop. As for now, the doctors are watching Kim really really close because they say he has extensive damage to his liver. Jennifer Blansett put his name on the prayer roll at the temple so I know Heavenly Father will hear our prayers. I will keep y'all updated if anything changes.
so did the dr.s ever figure out what is was? I hope he's doing better!
Let us know Kim's final update-
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