Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Yankee Meadows

Last weekend we had our first ever Jessop family reunion campout at Yankee Meadows. Friday afternoon as we were packing up to leave the thunder storms started rolling in and I thought "oh great" this can't be happening!...the one weekend we plan our outing....blah blah blah BUT, It turned out to be a beautiful weekend.YEAH!! We started our campout weekend on kind of a crazy note because just as we were heading down 700 west taking a right by the chevron two cars collided right in front of our car coming to a stop 2 feet away. I jumped out and helped 2 people out of their cars and called 911 because it looked as if the one vehicle was on fire. Being in the intersection it was quite a big commotion. Any hew...after a half hour or so we were on the road only to hit another disaster. On the way through Cedar City we stopped at the Loves gas station to fill up our gas cans and Lindsay sat her brand spanking new camera down on the cupboard while she filled up a drink and someone, somehow, STOLE her birthday camera. She was and still is heart broken to say the least! We searched the building inside and out for an hour and even had the clerk announce it over the intercom offering a reward but it was obviously long gone. It's sad we live in such a dishonest world. Well the weekend was a huge success filled with lots of fun and laughter. Three of my sisters (Rula, Suzie and Janetta) and 3 brothers (Carl, Russell and Andrew) and their families came to the cam pout along with my nephew Ryan. We are planning on making this an annual event:)


Tiffani said...

It looks so nice there. That is sad about Lindsay's camera. That is frustrating when it is so brand new. Glad you had fun!

fourangels said...

Looks like you had a great time! The scenery is just beautiful! Little Hopie is darling! Glad you took the time to be with family! Memories the kids will never forget! Keep up the great job of being a mom; you're awesome!

laceeJ said...

hey, why weren't we invited! I feel jipped! he he! WE had a little, wait, make that HUGE jessop reunion last April, and we were the only girls wearing jeans! oops!