Thursday, December 4, 2008

I'm going to miss this class!

For the past 4 months I have been attending a CNA class every Tuesday and Thursday evening in St George. Tonight was my last official class. I will always cherish the memories and friendships I made while there. I am sure going to miss these guys! It has been such a hoot! We laughed and cried together...stressed out about research papers, saw each other at our best and worst.One night after class a few of us students went out to Dinner with our teacher "Sam". That's not really her name but that's what we call her...long story. Any hew, Allison, Kate, Brooke Sam, her sister and myself decided we needed to celebrate since our oral presentations were all done, FINALLY! After eating we sat around gabbing about life. At one point our teacher was laughing so hard she peed her pants. I havn't laughed that hard EVER. It was way therapeutic...I will just remember to not sit at THAT table whenever I go to Denny's. HEE HEE I take my class final tomorrow at the testing center. Then, on Tuesday meet with my teacher to get my voucher to send off to SLC for my state finals. Our class is having a potluck Tuesday night as well and we should be practicing for our skills evaluation for the state. Fun Fun. Now I just have to land a job at the hospital...that is IF i pass the state finals. Wish me luck:)


Tiffani said...

Yea for you! I don't have a single doubt that you will pass your state test. Piece of cake for you! Good job on accomplishing your goal, that is awesome!

The Calico Crew said...

Liz, Good Luck! I think it's cool that you're doing something like that. I was looking at your pictures and I went to school with Allison Heaton (well Shuck now, I guess). She's got such a cute sense of humor so I can imagine what your group was like knowing you and her were in it together! Ace your test!

Christine said...

Hey Liz, thought I would come over and check out your blog. Very cute. BTW, the song you have playing is my FAVORITE Christmas song, had to tell you that. See you Tuesday.

Christine said...

LOL. I now see you have more than one playing ;). I was talking about The Christmas Shoes by New Song.