Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Anyone want a kitten?

On April 5th, 2008 our cat Abbey had 5 kittens.It was quite the event. My children and I sat quietly in the garage and watched the delivery. I even videoed the event....thats kinda weird I know...but it was very interesting for the kids. After a quick call to Ginger, our next door neighbor who is an avid animal lover, she and her hubby joined in on the celebration. Abbey had three kittens and we thought she was done but to our surprise we found two more kittens in her crate the next morning. Six weeks have passed now and they are just the cutest little things ever... BUT ewwwww does the garage ever smell fresh! They are really playful and have their own little personalities.We are going to have to find homes for them in the very near future. My plan is to sit outside of Lins and give them away hopefully to good homes unless we can find someone who wants them first. Come on you know you want one....

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